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Reviews, Views, and Occasional News. Gumshoes, Gats, and Gams. Dispatches From the Lone Star Front. Cover Reveal for James A. The cover for the forthcoming third volume in James A. The artist is Alejandro Colucci, who did the first two covers. Colucci was nominated for a Gemmell Award. Well deserved, I say.
The Demon in Business Class, a novel. Catching up to success and building on it. Put another way, though, every special event I got for the launch of. The Demon in Business Class. The scientists and the spy. My new novel begins! Today the Forest Hills Connection published the first chapter of my new serial novel, The Scientists and the Spy.
Mark has written since before he was a teenager and continues to do so daily. He is often inspired by the digital-games medium and hopes to one day own a game design company himself. He recently acquired dual degrees in Computer Programming and Network Technology to help further that aspiration.
Is a healthcare computer geek by day, a United States Army Reserve Chief Warrant Officer on the weekend, and a speculative fiction writer by night. Award-winning and award-nominated, he is a regular in the pages of Analog. Which is based on the short Analog.
Little Green Men Attack! The Monster Hunter Files. The Saga of Davi Rhii. Oct 5-8, 2017 New York Comic Con. 11323 W 95th St, Overland Park, Kansas, 7-9 pm. Central Mall, Ninth Stre.
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